Georgia Council for the Arts awards grant to Arts for the Community at Thomas University

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Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA), a strategic arm of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, recently awarded a grant to Arts for the Community at Thomas University (ACTU) as part of its initial disbursement of grants for fiscal year 2023. A total of 213 organizations were awarded 253 grants that provide more than $3.1 million in funding to arts organizations throughout the state.

“This education grant will help us continue our guest artist outreach to the schools in our region as well as other community organizations,” said Dr. Karl Barton, ACTU Coordinator. “With the help of the Georgia Council for the Arts, ACTU guest artists were able to directly engage with more than 360 youths in Thomas, Grady and Colquitt counties last school year. This growth and the impact it brings to our community is only possible because of the funding through GCA and the National Endowment for the Arts.”

The Bridge Grant will provide operating support funding to 134 organizations, the Project Grant will help fund 59 arts projects, and the Arts Education Program Grant will be distributed to 60 organizations.

“The arts sector has proven its resilience over the last two years, and it has played a major role in restarting the economy through attracting tourism, bringing communities back together, and aiding classroom learning as we inspire the workforce of the future,” said Georgia Council for the Arts Executive Director Tina Lilly. “The 253 grants we have awarded will help cities and organizations bring people more back to work while enhancing the qualities that make Georgia so special.”

“With the help of the Georgia Council for the Arts, ACTU guest artists were able to directly engage with more than 360 youths in Thomas, Grady and Colquitt counties last school year. This growth and the impact it brings to our community is only possible because of the funding through GCA and the National Endowment for the Arts.”

Dr. Karl Barton

Funds awarded by Georgia Council for the Arts include appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA) uses Peer Review Panels to judge and review applications following standard practices set by the National Endowment for the Arts. Panelists are GCA Council members and fellow professionals who are experienced in the arts discipline, type of grant being reviewed, or are citizens with a record of arts activities, experience, and knowledge. Grant recipients include theaters, dance companies, museums, cities, colleges, and multi-discipline arts entities.

“We are always thankful for the individual donations we receive from our local Partners in the Arts that provide the primary funding for our concert series and help us match the education grant funds from GCA,” Barton said. “I encourage those who would like to support our efforts to become a partner by donating online at”

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Education that Engages

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