Snow, Snow, Snow Everywhere You Go
Post Published On:Written by Jonah Hendricks
“Whimsical” is the word Thomas University student Chase Parman used to describe the recent once-in-a-lifetime snowfall in South Georgia. Measurable snowfall had not fallen in the area in over 30 years before January’s snowstorm, but that did not stop Thomas University students from getting to see 4 inches of snow covering campus.
On January 21, the snowfall began at approximately 6 p.m., and students were quick to focus their eyes on the white campus.

That evening, blissful students flocked out of their dorms to make the most of the snowfall by creating snow angels, building snowmen, having snowball fights, and marveling at the transformed campus. “It was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen in my life,” said one student who grew up in the area.
Throughout the week of cancelled classes on campus and closed roads, students were more than able to keep themselves busy — and happy — during the week of snow. Student Emil Schuldhauer encapsulated the feelings of many of his peers by saying that these snow activities reminded him of his “younger self” and that “it was simply amazing.”

With the snow now melted and warm weather reappearing, these moments will still serve as life-long memories of childlike joy for the students at Thomas University.