Next TU Science Café to feature discussion on tepuis of northern South America

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In northern South America there exist flat table-top mountains known as tepuis. During the next Science Café, Dr. Bruce Means will discuss his decades of research on these exotic mountains.

Dr. Bruce Means researches the natural history and ecology of animals, plants, and ecosystems of the southeastern U. S. Coastal Plain and high altitude cloud forests of northern South America. He is a seasoned field ecologist with 50 years of experience in North America, South America and Australia. He teaches uplands, wetlands, and barrier island courses and has authored more than 300 scientific research papers, popular articles, and technical reports.

Dr. Bruce Means

Dr. Means has published 10 books, produced and appeared as presenter in documentary films, and gives lectures on numerous natural history topics, such as the “Natural History of the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake”; “Biodiversity of the Florida Panhandle”; “The Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain as a World Class Biodiversity Hotspot”; “The Endangered Fire Forest: Longleaf Pine and its Ecology”; “Quest for the Rainbow Serpent, Humanity’s Oldest Recorded Creation Myth”; “Stalking the Plumed Serpent, Adventures in Herpetology”; and “Islands in the Sky, Lost Worlds of El Dorado.” 

His main research interests include fire ecology, ecosystems of the Southeastern U.S., the longleaf pine ecosystem, ecology of South American tepuis, biogeography, pond ecology, amphibians and reptiles, and rare and endangered species. He has discovered and named 14 species, 7 genera, and two families of animals formally unknown to the science.

Dr. Means will be featured in a National Geographic Explorer documentary in February 2022, and his work will be featured in a National Geographic Magazine article.

The Science Café will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, in Flowers Foods Executive Classroom inside Smith-Bonvillian Hall on TU’s Forbes Campus. For the Science Café, masks are optional but guests are asked to socially distance. For more information, email April Penton, Science Café coordinator, at

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