Ferguson named VP for Military and Corporate Relations
Post Published On:Thomas University recently announced that Stephen Ferguson has been promoted to Vice President for Military and Corporate Relations. He previously served as Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management and Business Development, Military Operations, since he joined TU in 2016. In his new role, Ferguson oversees all of TU’s programming relative to the defense industry and corporate training.
Over the past four years, TU has seen significant growth in its military and veteran students. Additionally, TU secured partnerships with the Defense Acquisition University (DAU), which endorses TU as an equivalent provider. TU’s efforts have proven valuable and expanded its customer base, influenced TU to create a new structure to include and oversee all military, government and corporate relationships. Ferguson will continue to work closely with student veterans and facilitate many of TU’s partnerships with the military and federal government.
Ferguson holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Maryland.
He is a member of the National Association of Institutions for Military Education (NAIMES) and is a past president of the Kansas Advisory Council of Military Education (ACME).
Ferguson lives in Tallahassee with his wife, Susan, and their children.