ACTU’s January Jazz to feature to TU Jazz Ensemble
Post Published On:Arts for the Community at Thomas University (ACTU) will feature TU’s popular Jazz Ensemble in its livestreamed “January Jazz” performance at 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 24.
The newest members of the TU Jazz Ensemble include two violinists/fiddlers, and this concert performance will include “Blues de Basile” featuring Andrea Stanley on the violin. The song has its origins in Cajun-zydeco music from the 1930s and is attributed to Amedee Ardoin.
“This song will give a little taste of Mardi Gras, which is coming up next month,” said Dr. Karl Barton, director of the ensemble.
Also on the program will be “On Broadway” that was popularized by the Drifters and George Benson. The TU Jazz Ensemble’s version will feature vocalist Tres Parker and guitarist Roy Weidner.
“We wanted to pay tribute to that part of New York City, and the lyrics also touch on being down on your luck, which is definitely true for the musical theatre district right now,” Barton continued.
Another song highlights the talents of the ensemble’s trumpet expert.
“Our longest-serving member of the jazz ensemble is trumpeter Rod Carter, who has been with the group for 17 years,” Barton said. “We will feature him on the instrumental number ‘Peace’ by Horace Silver. The song’s title says it all, and the lyrical melody and lush harmonies embody a sense of tranquility that we could all use.”
Another vocal number will be the ever-popular “Georgia on My Mind” by Hoagy Carmichael, which will feature vocalist Tres Parker and fiddler Dr. Bo Edwards.
“As the lyrics state, ‘Still in peaceful dreams I see, the road leads back to you,’” Barton said. “It’s no wonder that this is the official state song.”
“January Jazz” can be viewed at No Facebook account is required.
This performance is supported in part by Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. Georgia Council for the Arts also receives support from its partner agency, the National Endowment for the Arts. This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
For more information about this and other ACTU events, visit www.facebookcom/actu31792 or, call 229-227- 6964 or email