ACTU feature doubleheader of livestream performances on Oct. 23
Post Published On:Friday, Oct. 23, will be a doubleheader of livestream performances provided by Arts for the Community at Thomas University including both Hub New Music and organist Iain Quinn. The event will begin at noon at No Facebook account is required to participate.
Born in Cardiff, Wales, Dr. Iain Quinn – a distinguished organist, musicology professor and composer will perform as part of the 12 at Twelve series that partners ACTU with the First Presbyterian Church of Thomasville. Dr. Quinn has held college, church and cathedral positions in the United Kingdom, New York, Connecticut and New Mexico.
Dr. Quinn’s choral and organ works have received several awards, including a fellowship from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust as well as grants from Musica Britannica, Society for American Music, The Prince’s Trust and Music & Letters Trust. Dr. Quinn has been a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University and a Visiting Composer at Gonville and Caius College in Cambridge. In the spring of 2017 he was a Fulbright Scholar teaching at the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory in Russia. He is currently the Organist and Choir Master at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Thomasville, Georgia.
Dr. Quinn has recorded 13 CDs. His most recent recordings include The Complete Organ Sonatas of C.P.E. Bach. Dr. Quinn is assistant professor of organ and coordinator of the sacred music program at Florida State University.
Also during the Oct. 23 event, Hub New Music will perform as part of ACTU’s popular Fridays at Noon series. Called “contemporary chamber trailblazers” by the Boston Globe, this group — composed of flute, clarinet, violin, and cello — is forging new pathways in 21st-century repertoire. The ensemble’s ambitious commissioning projects and “appealing programs” (New Yorker) celebrate the rich diversity of today’s classical music landscape. In recent seasons, HNM’s performances have been described as “gobsmacking” (Cleveland Classical), “innovative” (WBUR), and “the cutting edge of new classical music” (Taos News). Hub New Music is a group of passionate educators whose approach to teaching melds the artistic and entrepreneurial facets of modern musicianship.
For more information about this and other ACTU events, visit www.facebookcom/actu31792 or, call 229-227- 6964 or email