Student small group leaders sought for online faith project

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Thomas University has partnered with Dr. Stephen Rankin of the Spiritual Maturity Project to provide an online activity for interested Thomas University students.  Students will explore, from a Christian faith perspective, the perennial human search for happiness, for the good life, a search which is inescapably spiritual, with lots of room for asking honest questions.

The activity will be delivered online, combining individual exercises with live group meetings and is offered to TU students free of charge. Dr. Rankin is looking for a few interested students to go through the exercises with him and then serve as small group leaders for future groups of TU students. We will hold a Zoom question and answer session on Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to hear more about the experience and what would be expected of small group leaders. There is no obligation to commit to serving if you attend the information session.

Dr.  Rankin brings 40 years in ministry, 25 of which have been in higher education as a professor, campus minister, and chaplain.  He holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies, a Master of Theology and a Master of Divinity.

Students interested in participating in the question-and-answer session should RSVP to  A Zoom link will be provided.

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Education that Engages

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